Arthur Scribe

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Level 6 Review

We often find that the things we want, are not always founded on the root needs that drive us. Whether learned through trial and error or the frustrating realization that our behavior consistently leads to unsatisfactory results, we learn that discovering what we really want can go a lot deeper than what is first conceived.

The question then becomes, how can we bypass the 'trial and error' phase and get to the root of our motivation?

The Level 6 Review can be an effective tool to dig through those initial thoughts and desires. It can help us understand what our motivations are and the circumstances that drive them.

It’s a simple exercise, in fact children are very good at it especially between the ages of 2 and 4. When you think of something you want, you ask why and answer the question, and keep asking why and finding answers at least six times. At first that might be all it takes, and as your ability to ask meaningful questions grows, you will learn to ask why and how in ways that lead to discovering deep rooted motivations that might even reshape the original desire. The outcome should also include more specific statements about what we want, which can help us communicate it to a team or others who can help us get it.

Consider the example of someone with a nicotine addiction. When the craving to smoke comes, how might understanding where that desire comes from help the individual learn to control it? Or, are you constantly looking for reasons to avoid certain types of situations? How might understanding why those situations are uncomfortable help you learn to face them? Or even when you are thinking of making large purchases or significant life changes, understanding what the root motivation is might shift the target of the future vision for ourselves. And if that future vision of yourself doesn't exist, there is your starting point, why?