Arthur Scribe

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Ether part 1

I wonder how long it was that Moroni wondered alone in the wilderness, perhaps thinking that the end of Mormon chapter 9 would be the last words he recorded in the Book of Mormon. Then, finding that he continued to evade the Lamanites, found additional time to contribute more records. But it was not just a chance that he was preserved, he had a commandment to fulfill, a record to prepare. And so, we have his abridgement of the Book of Ether, a record of the ancient Jaredites who arrived in the new world long before Lehi. A record of a people whose story is not all that different from that of the Nephites and Lamanites, which is another testament to the consequences of disobedience. It is clear in every book of scripture, Old Testament, New Testament, and Book of Mormon – when God’s covenant people keep his commandments they prosper and receive many blessings, when they forsake their covenants and disobey the commandments they are destroyed. Just as it is in our own lives – when we make and keep covenants with God, we have the opportunity for great blessings and spiritual prosperity.

Moroni begins by teaching us about the prophet Ether and his lineage, being at least 32 generations removed from the events of the tower of Babel (Babylon) which are recorded in Genesis 11, along with more ancestral records. It can be a consuming venture to learn more about this tower, what happened there and what can be understood by the “confounding of languages” and by that measure, the confounding and scattering of the people. In brief, I understand this tower to be a unworthy attempt at building a temple, under the guise of a false priesthood, an endeavor by the descendants of Noah to make “a name” for themselves (Genesis 11:4) rather than take upon themselves the name of God. It was also a mixing of the covenant people with those not of the covenant. Another witness of the cycle of wickedness becomes destruction, humility and righteousness becomes prosperity? Because Jared, his brother Moriancumer, their families, and their friends exercised this humility expressed through prayer, they were preserved and were guided to a new land where they could prosper in their righteousness. And not just prosper, but become a great nation, of which “there shall be none greater” (Ether 1:43), because of their humility in the face of trials.

Moroni, knowing that the Gentiles would be the next group lead to this promised land, having seen our day, and knowing the fate of all those who came before, repeats many times the covenant that the Lord has made with each generation brought to this land, “wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off. And this cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God—that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.” (Ether 2:10-11). Because of this covenant, despite the relative disparaging conditions that may exist in this country, I have faith that we will not reach the same “fulness of iniquity” to be swept off as its previous inhabitants have, because of the role we are filling and will continue to fill in the restoration of all things.

The second part of Ether 2 gives us valuable examples of: repentance, forgiveness, obedience, prayer, followed by revelation. Moriancumer is presented with a unique opportunity, because of his faith shown through obedience and humility. The Lord responds to his question with a question, it is an opportunity for learning and growth as are all the instances when the Lord asks such questions. The Lord has prepared a way to reach the promised land, “I will bring you up again out of the depths…”, he prepared the bother of Jared to be a leader.

Where do we turn when we are presented opportunities for growth?

Has the Lord ever asked you, “what shall I prepare for you that ye may have light…?”

Have you asked for revelation in faith, and felt that no direction was given? Have you allowed yourself to be prepared to understand the answer? If you have truly asked in faith, is not this an opportunity for growth, wherein you may choose according to the understanding that has already been prepared for you?

“Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other.” (BD) A mightier example of prayer is hard to be found than that of Ether 3:2-5. On the level with Nephi 2: 16-35, D&C 121, and Enos. Moriancumer’s example of choosing according to the understanding that he has been prepared with, using his opportunity for growth, results in blessings that are difficult to understand: seeing the body of the Lord’s spirit - Jehovah, receiving a perfect knowledge, seeing all the inhabitants of the earth, things that cannot be written. The opportunities for growth we are given are small in comparison to the blessing we receive. Though in our weakness, they may seem big. How big is the problem of not having light? How long would they be upon the waters, driven by the wind? Sounds like a pretty big problem. How big is the blessing of seeing Jehovah, being ministered unto by him, being able to see and comprehend all the inhabitants of the earth? Moroni said, “never were greater things made manifest than those which were made manifest unto the brother of Jared.” (Ether 4:4) Isn’t it also interesting to understand that the interpreters, the two stones prepared by the Lord at that time, for the translation of the records he commanded to be prepared, that Joseph Smith was prepared to use, to prepare the record for us to receive, are called the Urim and Thummim; and that a Urim and Thummim was also prepared for Abraham, and for Aaron and the priests of Israel. Urim and Thummim being Hebrew for Lights and Perfections. A Light and Perfection is also prepared for those who will righteously inherit the earth in its celestial glory (Rev 2:17). At the risk of over using the word ‘prepared’ I hope these examples are a testimony that God prepared a way for us, despite what our perspective might be, there is always a Light and Perfection available for us to seek through prayer, in any opportunity for growth.

In conclusion to his preamble to the book of Ether, Moroni prophecies of the three witnesses that were prepared to establish the truth of the record that was prepared – Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.


Elder Scott teaches us how to prepare to recognize answers to prayer.