Arthur Scribe

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Explaining Chamois Butt'r to a non-cyclist

The friction coefficient of spandex becomes nominal at the dermal layer when activities produce .0035om static charge thereby raising the follicles to a statistically significant level. At this level discomfort is generally introduced at the .0049om charge level. At the .0054om level of charge, the f~ coefficient increases exponentially at a rate of .034 * 3_i. Superficial abrasion to the dermal layer typically occurs at .007om charge. Such abrasion has been known to have a detrimental effect on cyclists: decreasing speed, increasing heart rate, increasing levels of endorphins and over taxing the cardiovascular system. In order to reduce the friction coefficient a lubrication layer can be introduced. An effective reduction in static charge is achieved at .3mm. A product like chamois butt'r has been developed to accommodate this need. - I know, I'm an engineer.